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Brownfields Redevelopment

The City of Hickory does not have any Brownfield Redevelopment money available at this time.

History of Brownfield Redevelopments
Between 2007 and 2015, the City of Hickory received four grants totaling $800,000 through the Community Wide Brownfields Assessment Grants from the US Environmental Protection Agency.

The grants were used to assess approximately 40 individual properties suspected of petroleum and/or hazardous material contamination at suspect Brownfield sites. Brownfields are defined as idle commercial or industrial properties where redevelopment is hampered by real or perceived environmental contamination.

The focus area of the grant was the City's Urban Revitalization Area (URA) that has been adopted by City Council. These funds were used to conduct environmental site assessments, develop clean up plans, and assist in the redevelopment of the suspect Brownfield sites.

The City had utilized the environmental engineering consulting services of  both hart & Hickman, as well as, AMEC Foster Wheeler. The consultants were responsible for overseeing the environmental sampling and remediation that was funded through the grant.

During the grant period, Planning staff identified over 100 known or suspect Brownfield sites within the City. The City Council appointed a Brownfield Advisory Group (BAG) made up of community and neighborhood leaders to provide input to the project. An extensive public outreach effort was made through the formulation of an EPA approved Community Engagement Plan.

Through the course of the grant, such sites as the former Piedmont Wagon, Moretz Mill, Simmons Hosiery, Hollar Hosiery, Lyerly Mill sites were assessed, remediated and redeveloped through a strong public/private process. These newly redeveloped sites have expanded the city's tax base, created over sixty (60) jobs, and repurposed historic and architectural icons in the City of Hickory.

Southside Area-wide Planning Grant
In 2015, the City was awarded a $200,000 US EPA planning grant. In the 2015 round, only 20 communities throughout the United States were awarded this funding. Hickory was the only City in North Carolina to receive such an award. 

The consultant team (AMEC Foster Wheeler) and Planning staff formulated a Community Engagement Plan and conducted a market and redevelopment study. This grant focused on several catalyst properties, including the former Joan Fabrics site, Midland Plaza, the former PET dairy plant, and various vacant gas stations, etc. The grant looked at these catalyst sites and through an extensive public process and determined a path forward to remediate and redevelop these properties for the greater good of the surrounding neighborhoods. Click here for the final plan document.


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