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Potholes, Preventative & Corrective Maintenance

The Street Maintenance division provides repair services for sidewalk, curb and gutter, side ditches, shoulders, storm drainage, and pavement.

Pothole Repair

To report a pothole, please call Public Services at (828) 323-7500.  Please provide detailed accurate information on the location of the pothole to help us respond quickly.  Our goal is to repair the pothole within 24 hours.

Preventive Maintenance

Preventive maintenance includes those activities used to maintain and extend the life of a street.  Some preventive maintenance techniques used by the City of Hickory are drainage maintenance, crack sealing, and seal coats.

Corrective Maintenance

Overtime, all streets require some type of corrective maintenance.  Techniques such as asphalt patching, surface treatments, and asphalt overlays are used to repair pavement and maintain an acceptable pavement condition.  These activities are generally used to correct defects and tend to be more expensive than preventive maintenance alternatives.

Other Street Services

Dead Animal Removal

Central Services is also responsible for handling dead animals that have been spotted on streets within the city limits. Please call (828) 323-7500 to report dead animals or click here to visit our Action Center.

Street Sweeping

Street sweepers are used on paved streets that have curb and gutter.  They remove trash and debris to minimize the impact on the storm water systems and to improve appearance of the streets.  Major thoroughfares are swept every two weeks.  Residential streets are swept once every 6 weeks as weather permits.


High-pressure streams of water are used on streets to remove debris that a sweeper may not be able to remove.  Additionally, these units respond to emergencies and other requests, along with supporting special events.

Right-of-Way Maintenance

The Street Division is responsible for maintaining the right-of-way along the streets in the City of Hickory.  The City of Hickory also has a maintenance agreement with the North Carolina Department of Transportation to maintain the right-of-way along state owned streets within the City limits with exception of Interstate 40.  The services provided along the right-of-way include grass mowing, weedeating, litter pickup, debris removal, shoulder maintenance, curb edging, sidewalk edging, and limb removal, as needed.

Sidewalks/Curb and Gutter

The Street Division is responsible for new installation and repair of sidewalks and curb and gutter within the right-of-way.  The sidewalks are built from the Sidewalk Master Plan.  Curb and gutter projects are generated mostly in the form of a curb and gutter petitions.  This petition information can be obtained from the Engineering Department.

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