The purpose of this Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) is to establish and define the means by which the City ofHickory will comply with its National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit and the applicable provisions of the Clean Water Act to meet the federal standard of reducing pollutants in stormwater runoffto the maximum extent practicable. To report an issue, please call (828) 323-7500. If you have any questions, please contact Jason White, Stormwater Administrator at (828) 261-2232 or email:
This survey is intended to gather information about the success of the City of Hickory stormwater program
and what changes we should consider to improve the quality and effectiveness of the program.
The survey will be looking at the effectiveness of our outreach efforts, general knowledge of stormwater
pollution, and changes to the program itself.
Agreement - Individual or Partners Rev. 1
Wet Detenion Basin Operation/Maintenance Manual
Phase II Administrative Manual
Stormwater Operation and Maintenance Agreement
Stormwater Requirements
Recording Fees
Stormwater Construction Bond
Stormwater BMP Access Easement
Stormwater BMP Access Easement - Partnership
LLC - Variable Easement Width
Partnership - Variable Easement Width
Page 3 for Husband and Wife Signatures
Backyard stream repairs/options
Land development Code Chapter 11 and Section 4.5
Stormwater Maintenance Security
Bioretention Area
Wet Detention Pond
Protecting all 225 miles of the Catawba-Wateree basin is the fundamental work of Catawba Riverkeeper. The challenge of this effort has been demonstrated repeatedly as the Catawba River has been named the most endangered river in the United States (American Rivers 2008) and the third most endangered in the Southeast United States (Southern Environmental Law Center 2012).
Engineer's Certification - Bioretention Area
Engineer's Certification - Dry Detention Basin
Engineer's Certification - Filter Strip
Engineer's Certification - Sand Filter
Engineer's Certification - Stormwater Wetlands
Engineer's Certification - Underground Detention System
Engineer's Certification - Wet Detention Pond
Engineer's Cetification - Infiltration Device